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Going green: Infoplastics is now in Nairobi

giovedì 7 gennaio 2010

Make extra coin with newspaper recycling

Many years ago in my small village on the slopes of Mt. Kenya, my sister used to make some few coins selling off old newspapers to to people in the shops to use for wrapping.
Now, coming to think of it selling old newspapers that are lying around in the house is one of the easiest I think and one of the best ways of making extra money.

Now, think of the recycling plant in your area. They are willing to buy old newspaper you can easily achieve this by collecting old newspapers and selling them to these "recycling plant" in your areas.

Think that selling stacks of newspapers you've accumulated in the last months will not make you rich but it will make you an extra income. Now, lets take our ambition even higher, think of collecting papers from the neighbourhood, every weekend I think this already gives you an idea of how things can be in this model business.
If you take this into your heart serious then put in the right organisation you can easily pay yourself rent with what you can potentially earn.
I leave this idea to your creativity and send me ideas to share here on this blog.

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